General Rules
Parents should see that their wards, take leave from school, except under unavoidable circumstances.
If a pupil is to be absent from School, application for leave must be made and sanction obtained prior to the absence.
Leave is not granted except on written application from parents.In case of absence due to sickness or other emergencies a leave letter must be sent to the school on the first day of absence.
Absence on the reopening day is not allowed.
Absence on the reopening day may lead to the removal of the pupils name from the roll.
Readmission may be considered by the Principal on merit in each case.
No half-a-day's leave or permission to go home during School hours will 'be granted except in case of an emergency at the discretion of the Principal.
A written request from the parent is necessary in such cases. ,
Students abstaining from school for more than three days continuously have to submit an explanatory letter to the Principal written by the Parents/Guardians.
The School timing will be from 8.30a.m. to 2.30p.m. Every "first and third Saturdays will be working days.
Leave on medical ground should be supported by a proper medical certificate.
minimum of 90% attendance is a requirement for promotion to the next higher class.
Irregular attendance and prolonged absence will lead to the removal of names from the rolls.
Pupils suffering from infectious disease will not be permitted to attend School.